パンプキンのインスタグラム(pumpkintheraccoon) - 3月22日 20時45分

I woke up today feeling incredibly overwhelmed. I had a feeling in my chest that just seemed so heavy and weighed down. I felt incredibly tired, not from midnight feeds with my baby, but an intense feeling of exhaustion. Was I having a panic attack? I came into the living room and sat on the sofa after making a cup of tea and just cried. I like to think I know why. Hormones, a feeling of dread, frustration, so many overwhelming feelings. And then I became angry. Angry that there are those out there in the world just not taking everything that is happening seriously. Wanting to scream at them for being so unbelievably selfish. For having the ego to think “It won’t happen to me.” We are in this mess because people didn’t believe it was that dire. Yesterday over 800 people died in Italy. The number of deaths surpassed where the outbreak began in China. Too many people have lost their lives. In the Bahamas we are not equipped to deal with this. If people do fall severely ill there will be very little to help them. And it makes me angry. There is no simple solution but one thing does help. Stay home. So I’m sitting here trying to enjoy the quiet before my children wake up, enjoy this cup of tea, but I can’t. I’m overwhelmed and I’m pissed off. #stayhome


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




