キム・インシクのインスタグラム(taeikeem) - 12月15日 11時53分

이번에 REVAULT (@revault.official)를 통해 좋은 기회를 얻어 제 애장품을 판매하게 되었습니다. 판매금 중 일부는 환경재단을 통해 바다쓰레기 줍기 등 환경을 살리는데 쓰일 예정이니, 맘에 드시는 옷 있으시면 둘러보시고 구매해주세요!

Just recently been provided a great opportunity to give y’all a tiny peep into my closet with the help of REVAULT (@revault.official)

Part of the profit will be donated to a charity regarding the environmental issues including saving the sea life and etc.

Do me a favor and visit @revault.official to check out some of my own pieces I picked out just for y’all


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



