NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 2月6日 06時43分

🐢 It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop

To get to the Moon, you don’t just need to successfully lift off from the launch pad. You first need to GET ON the Launchpad. To do this, you'll require a little help from the twins "Hans" & "Franz", also known as the Crawler Transporters.

Shown here is a close-up view of some of the treads on Franz, also known as crawler-transporter 2 (CT-2) as the behemoth vehicle moves along the crawlerway at @NASAKennedy.

Teams are working to ensure that crawlerway (the path the CT-2, mobile launcher, and Space Launch System rocket with Orion atop) will take from the Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Complex 39B, is strong enough to withstand the weight and provide stability for the @NASAArtemis I mission. Hans and Franz were nicknames given to the vehicles by early space program workers.

What would you name your crawler❓Comment below!

Credit: NASA

#NASA #HeavyMachinery #Artemis #Transporter #Florida #KeepGoing #SlowAndSteady


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