のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 3月30日 12時37分

【Noh Play 2023】

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance to get up-close with a Noh Play in real life this year, under the enchanting night cherry blossoms at the oldest wooden Noh Theatre in Tokyo: Yasukuni Shrine.

This is the 30th will be held over 3 days:

3 April 2023
4 April 2023
5 April 2023

Time: 18:00
Venue: Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo

Each day’s itinerary comprises of different “Shimai”, “Kyogen” and “Noh”, so pick your favorite and book your tickets now!

I had the utmost honor to watch a preview of the grandmaster of the Hosho School, Ryuzo Tazaki’s performance of “Hagoromo”, which I practiced earlier at the Noh Stage. And I will also be watching his play “Sagi” on the first night! There will be English earphone guide too to help you understand the play better.

The URL to the event page could be found over at my IG story highlight.


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