ジェシカ・ヴィルのインスタグラム(jbunzie) - 7月28日 07時46分

Chai and I 🖤 I’ve been learning this month to be more present and unlearn a lot. I don’t open up on here often but there has been A LOT going on. I feel this year my mental health hit its rock bottom to the point where I have been unrecognizable to myself. Between struggling to navigate my ADHD to now learning to cope with depression and anxiety, I find it now so difficult to keep up the severely unhealthy life I’ve been leading for the past decade which is centered around work. My brain is literally giving out on me. I realized amongst running the multitude of things I was, I was sacrificing the entire human experience. I rather work than grab a coffee with a friend. I rather work than lay down and listen to music. I rather work than stop to eat. My computer and I have a better relationship than I do with humans. I am severely unhappy with my current life and all of the happenings around me that I try to blind myself and tune it out by working on something. I realized I’ve been using work as a form of self-harm and not realizing it. For the next few months, I want to learn how to be in the moment and to unlearn the work culture that this country has deeply ingrained in us. I want to live life on slow mode. I’m going to close shop on a few things to size down my work load to leave a healthy amount of space for the human experience but I’ll still be active. I’m forcing myself to do things that aren’t just work-related and find a happy balance. I just want to someday genuinely believe in the idea that it’s okay to stop and smell the roses before all the roses are dead. Memories are all we can keep for a lifetime. I have to make more of them that I will be happy to look back on. 🥀


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