久積篤史のインスタグラム(hisatsumi) - 10月1日 08時10分

Rather than creating a new Facebook or Twitter, Web3 Social incorporates WEB3's financial technology into SNS, Social stuck, traversing social, and leveraging social through a lens to create cryptocurrencies and create tokens. We aim to enable you to receive rewards.

Friendtech is a demo of a demo, but AMM is the basis of Friendtech as it involves liquidity and buying and selling. However, the X (Twitter) that Elon Musk is trying to create is an AMM, an exchange, and the future of Friend Tech. So we should look at developing products that split the social Co-ownership of TikTok, YouTube and Instagram.

What's important with web3 social is not just having fun, but how users can earn money.

You can make money quickly from commissions alone, but Friendtech requires an invitation code. If you would like to try it out, please use the invitation code below, or if you cannot use the invitation code, please DM us.


#pr #friendtech #Socialtoken #web3 #crypto
#BuildonBase #Base #amm #dex
#eth #btc


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