✨✋?✨ RG @conscious_collective: Beyond relatively well-known terms such as 'Prana' (Hindu), chi (Chinese) and 'spirit' (Christian/American) our life-force 'bio-energy' has been known by a multitude of names around the world - for instance: ki – the Japanese (and Korean-?) equivalent of chi rLung - Tibetan - inner 'winds' of life force Ruach Ha Kodesh - 'Hebrew for Breath of God' Nafs and Ruh - the Islamic terms for a kind of 'Soul breath' Spiritus Sanctus - the (Catholic) Latin term meaning 'Holy Spirit' Pneuma - (Greek) 'vital breath' Élan vital – the term for 'vital life-force' in classical European Vitalism vis medicatrix naturae or natura medica – the inner healing power of Nature – from the early Greek Hippocratic tradition Aether, (ether) and quintessence – European alchemical terms for life force in its more refined form. Od or Odic force - terms used in von Reichenbach's theory Orgone – revolutionary psycho-biologist Wilhelm Reich's term for vital life force nilch'i - the Navajo term for 'sacred life-giving wind or life-force' ni – the Lakota Sioux term for life-force mana (a Oceanic-Polynesian term – and more recently also adopted as the term for life-force by several fantasy role-playing games ha – a more-specifically Hawaiian (Huna) term for 'breath' or sacred life force ka – the Ancient Egyptian idea of a vital essence or life energy and of course the modern (Star Wars) classic term for bio-energy 'the Force'. #Chi #Prana #Spirit #Life #Energy #regramapp

jessicamichibataさん(@jessicamichibata)が投稿した動画 -

道端ジェシカのインスタグラム(jessicamichibata) - 6月12日 21時58分

✨✋?✨ RG @conscious_collective: Beyond relatively well-known terms such as 'Prana' (Hindu), chi (Chinese) and 'spirit' (Christian/American) our life-force 'bio-energy' has been known by a multitude of names around the world - for instance:
ki – the Japanese (and Korean-?) equivalent of chi

rLung - Tibetan - inner 'winds' of life force

Ruach Ha Kodesh - 'Hebrew for Breath of God'

Nafs and Ruh - the Islamic terms for a kind of 'Soul breath'

Spiritus Sanctus - the (Catholic) Latin term meaning 'Holy Spirit'

Pneuma - (Greek) 'vital breath'

Élan vital – the term for 'vital life-force' in classical European Vitalism

vis medicatrix naturae or natura medica – the inner healing power of Nature – from the early Greek Hippocratic tradition

Aether, (ether) and quintessence – European alchemical terms for life force in its more refined form.

Od or Odic force - terms used in von Reichenbach's theory

Orgone – revolutionary psycho-biologist Wilhelm Reich's term for vital life force

nilch'i - the Navajo term for 'sacred life-giving wind or life-force'

ni – the Lakota Sioux term for life-force

mana (a Oceanic-Polynesian term – and more recently also adopted as the term for life-force by several fantasy role-playing games

ha – a more-specifically Hawaiian (Huna) term for 'breath' or sacred life force

ka – the Ancient Egyptian idea of a vital essence or life energy

and of course the modern (Star Wars) classic term for bio-energy 'the Force'. #Chi #Prana #Spirit #Life #Energy #regramapp


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