Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 6月16日 01時36分

“Life is a question of angles and how you see things,” says French designer Ito Morabito, who goes by the name of Ora-Ito (@ora_ito). “Everything can have a beauty, it depends on the way you look at it.” Ito, who designs everything from furniture to products to architecture to electronics, posts moments from his life in series of three. “It’s a bit frustrating to just see one image, but you shouldn’t repeat the same image. I like it when you can give different views. It shouldn’t be linear.” Two years ago, Ito transformed the rooftop of the iconic apartment complex Cité Radieuse in Marseille into a collaborative art center called MAMO (@marseillemodulor), and now presents work from a talented contemporary artist there each summer. This year, MAMO will showcase work from New York artist Dan Graham, and Instagrammers are invited to document the space starting June 13. “Because it’s outside — where there is different light and reflections – every Instagrammer can show us the different angles and different vision in relation.” Photo by @ora_ito


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