Li Tian の雑貨屋のインスタグラム(dairyandcream) - 6月17日 23時22分

不管是新“糕”还是“旧”糕、只要是能让人幸福的“糕”。就是好蛋糕☺️ a cake is always a good cake as long as it makes 老娘 happy...paisei sounds so boorish ? another round of wonderful sweets hunt with @Little Miss Bento・Shirley シャリー ? Seems like one of my favourite chef @chefyamashita has revamped his summer cake collection again! More details on blog link ?@Li Tian の雑貨屋


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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