ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月19日 21時43分

If you know where to look, it isn’t hard to find the ghosts of America’s atomic arsenal. The photographer Jim Lo Scalzo visited the Apple-2 House, one of two homes that remain from a fake American community that included cars, furniture and mannequins. It was destroyed by an atomic bomb test in 1955 to determine the civil effects of a nuclear blast at the Nevada National Security Site. The National Park Service and the Department of Energy are working to establish the Manhattan Project National Historical Park, which will preserve once-secret sites where scientists raced to develop the world’s first atomic bomb. But many ruins of the arms race remain overlooked. “Sprinkled throughout the back roads of America are the remains of Armageddon,” Jim wrote on our photo blog, Lens. “Or what could have been Armageddon had the #ColdWar between the United States and the Soviet Union suddenly gone hot.”

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