unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月20日 03時05分

“On the morning of the attack, we fled to the boats and went to #Chad. I was close to giving birth but I had no idea that they were twins. I had to go to the hospital in Bagasola to give birth. I was very afraid of losing them. Today I'm fine, and when I look at my little twins, healthy, I feel blessed. We are all survivors here." Binta Mahamadou, 30, is the mother of six children. She fled from Boko Haram attacks in Baga in northern #Nigeria when she was pregnant with twins. A month ago, she gave birth to Mahamadou and Khadidja and they live now in Daresalam refugee camp in the Lake region of Chad. We’re supporting Binta with supplies and clothes for the babies. #UNICEF #WorldRefugeeDay © UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1322/Cherkaoui


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