Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 6月24日 22時24分

“I’ve been living out of my car for years to make my work,” says Stacy Kranitz (@stacykranitz), an American photographer who was born in Kentucky, has a home in Los Angeles and mostly lives on the road. Traveling for months at a stretch, she immerses herself in the lives of the people she photographs, and approaches her practice almost like an endurance athlete. She explains: “I like to stay out as long as I can. I begin to slowly deteriorate the longer I am gone. Both the car and myself become physically more haggard as the weeks wear on. It sounds bad, but this is the thing I want. I believe that I am not making really good work unless I am pushing myself into a very uncomfortable place. I don’t think I have gotten somewhere with the work unless I have pushed myself close to the brink of my own sanity. Breakdowns happen and then I pick up the pieces and continue on.” Photo by @stacykranitz


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