Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 7月2日 03時20分

Thomas Funder (@lifeasfunder) fell in love with drawing on a wet, dreary day 12 years ago in northern Denmark. He was 11 years old and bored inside his grandparents’ house. “Then my father gave me a car magazine, a pen and a piece of paper,” Thomas recalls. “The rest of the day I was sitting and drawing cars while getting inspired from the illustrations in the magazine. This was the kickoff.” Thomas hasn’t stopped sketching since, developing his talent for creating extraordinarily precise freehand renderings of watches, cars and sneakers. “Sometimes it can be like a drug. When I finish one sketch I need to start on a new one immediately,” he says. “In a time where 3-D programs are used more than ever, the importance of creating a good sketch on paper should never be lost.” In August, Thomas will enroll at Umea Institute of Design in Sweden and hopes one day to land his dream job: “It would be an honor for me to work in the Swiss watchmaking industry.” Photo by @lifeasfunder


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