フリーマ・アジェマンのインスタグラム(freemaofficial) - 7月4日 21時46分

One of the highlights of our industry is getting the opportunity to meet & work with new people and, if you're lucky, form new friendships. Working on independent film instantly creates an atmosphere of togetherness-- understanding the time & budget restraints and working as a team to move forward despite them. The payoff is rarely monetary-- you get involved with independent film because you want to tell a story & you believe in the product. I am incredibly proud to be part of this storytelling and honoured to have worked with excellent professionals, who I am now lucky enough to call friends! Big love for #NorthVsSouth film and this motley crew! @benfoottit #ElliottTittensor #GaryCargill #BradMoore @charlottehope8 ? #supportingbritishfilm

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