Yelling at a rose bud and demanding it to open and become a fully bloomed rose is pointless. The flower has its own time and all your can do it nurture it and appreciate it. Watching our mango tree go from flower bud to flower blossom to fruit bud to fully ripened fruit is a divine process that cannot be rushed. The spiritual journey is a kind of inner flowering that has its own time. Just yelling at flowers and trees and demanding them to hurry up is pointless so it yelling at your body demanding it to hurry up. So many people want to know why they haven’t gotten it yet, why their lotus, handstand, backbend or some other poses isn’t happening yet. I’ve turned my frustrations inward so many times, tried to rush the journey and ended up injured, and made the whole process miserable with my own agony. As soon as you realize that you don’t have to get anywhere fast, you don’t have to get anywhere at all you can relax. Trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be, in its own time. Today’s #YogiAssignment is Timing. Called Rtu in Sanskrit, this refers to the appropriate time or season for spiritual activity, it includes the notion of doing things at the right time. Imagine celebrating your Birthday six months away from your actual Birthday and you’ll get a sense of just how intrinsically you feel timing in your body. Some thing just feel wrong when they’re not done in the right time. The spiritual path is just like that, the flower of your inner awareness will not open just because you think now is the time. Don’t psych yourself up for the big moment because you don’t know when it’s coming. All you can do is get on your mat every day and surrender. You don’t have control of the right time for your handstand, lotus, backbend or any posture, just like you don’t have control over the seasons, the flowering or fruiting of plants, the sunrise or the sunset. All you can do is show up, do your practice and trust that everything is ok, trust that you are ok. Tell yourself this right now, I am ok. It might just be the perfect timing to finally believe it. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo @beachyogagirl Add "kinoyoga" snapchat for more?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月9日 20時53分

Yelling at a rose bud and demanding it to open and become a fully bloomed rose is pointless. The flower has its own time and all your can do it nurture it and appreciate it. Watching our mango tree go from flower bud to flower blossom to fruit bud to fully ripened fruit is a divine process that cannot be rushed. The spiritual journey is a kind of inner flowering that has its own time. Just yelling at flowers and trees and demanding them to hurry up is pointless so it yelling at your body demanding it to hurry up. So many people want to know why they haven’t gotten it yet, why their lotus, handstand, backbend or some other poses isn’t happening yet. I’ve turned my frustrations inward so many times, tried to rush the journey and ended up injured, and made the whole process miserable with my own agony. As soon as you realize that you don’t have to get anywhere fast, you don’t have to get anywhere at all you can relax. Trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be, in its own time. Today’s #YogiAssignment is Timing. Called Rtu in Sanskrit, this refers to the appropriate time or season for spiritual activity, it includes the notion of doing things at the right time. Imagine celebrating your Birthday six months away from your actual Birthday and you’ll get a sense of just how intrinsically you feel timing in your body. Some thing just feel wrong when they’re not done in the right time. The spiritual path is just like that, the flower of your inner awareness will not open just because you think now is the time. Don’t psych yourself up for the big moment because you don’t know when it’s coming. All you can do is get on your mat every day and surrender. You don’t have control of the right time for your handstand, lotus, backbend or any posture, just like you don’t have control over the seasons, the flowering or fruiting of plants, the sunrise or the sunset. All you can do is show up, do your practice and trust that everything is ok, trust that you are ok. Tell yourself this right now, I am ok. It might just be the perfect timing to finally believe it. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo @beachyogagirl Add "kinoyoga" snapchat for more?

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