ライカのインスタグラム(leica_camera) - 7月11日 03時25分

Maria Letizia Piantoni, an award-winning Italian photographer now based in Paris, took this portrait of Jean-Luc Monterosso this week at the Rencontres d'Arles photography festival. This year in Arles, Jean-Luc Monterosso, founder and director of the photographic art centre Maison Européenne de la Photographie, will officially open “Ensembles, la photographie”, a large exhibition dedicated to the great ensembles in the collection. The collection of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie was started more than 20 years ago and now comprises of some 20,000 works, a number of which are currently being featured in an important catalogue edited by the publisher Actes Sud.

You can learn more about our activities at the festival by visiting: http://bit.ly/LeicaAtArles

#rencontresArles #LeicaCamera #DasWesentliche #Arles2015 #OskarBarnackAward


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