イアン・ハーディンクのインスタグラム(ianmharding) - 7月14日 02時12分

See these two deer? The NY state dept of environmental conservation wants to kill them. They've been cared for by Cindy McGinley, a class 1 wildlife rehabilitator, nature lover and a family friend who lives on a 12 acre farm. She's more than capable of caring for these two animals, one of which is blind, yet for some silly reason the NY Dept of "ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION" believes it's better for them to be released to the wild (death sentence) or euthanized. I have the link in my bio to the petition and other info. Please take the time to read it and sign it. This is such an easy wrong to right. Let's let NY state know.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



