ベロニカ・ベガのインスタグラム(veronicavega) - 7月16日 03時15分


I can't believe you're gone... I already miss you so much...
You remember the day this picture was taken???? That was the day you taught me to be a fighter... The day you threw me in the pool and left me with no choice but to swim. And WE succeeded!!!!
When no one had my back you were always there. The KING, the chief, our backbone.... MY BIGGEST FAN! Abuelo, tu nunca nos fallaste, me enseñaste a ser luchadora, siempre me apoyaste en todo aunque no estuvieses de acuerdo... Y sobre todo me enseñaste a darme respetar como mujer.
I can only pray that one day I meet a soul half as marvelous as yours. You were always so full of life, you were so ambitious, so determined, so funny, so dedicated to the family. I'm forever indebted to you. And I WILL KEEP MY PROMISE!!!! See you soon! -Tu nieta
Que descanses en PAZ viejito

Raúl Robustiano Lopez


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