マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 7月20日 23時13分

Happy bday to my brother @オマー・エップス thank you for always being my friend. Unjudgemental, wise, appreciative, generous, REAL, thoughtful, respectful, honest as fuck, accepting, and most of all a great ear with sound advice to follow. We been friends more than half our lives ... #whereTheyDoThat? It's nice having a brother that's the same age. I appreciate u my nig. Love that God was generous enough to give me a few extra brothers besides the great ones that came out my mama. Thank u for always being there for me man. Life has its ways of kicking my ass and the past few years have not been easy but when I'm knocked down on the floor its good to see those familiar rick owens by my face with a hard ashy yet oily hand there to pick me up and help me plot my way out the messes I made. It's good to have a friend but it's better to have a brother and that you are. I love you my nig... Our best years are ahead of us. Now is when we tap in to all that we've been studying to be. They ain't even seen the half of the artistry we possess... It's time... Sky's the limit... Let's keep reaching beyond the heavens to find that light that only few can discover... We got this my nig. m.o.m. LAG #cradletothegrave #titaniumniggas


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