クリスティン・ポープのインスタグラム(kris10pope) - 7月21日 05時13分

Never been so happy to be done with snatching hahahaha 2nd wave up after maxing hit a solid 77kg ? confused the effffff out of myself all day.... #tonod #ornotnod #thatisthequestion ....it is back hahaha these were all super awkward trying to decide to do it or not ? i'm so weird, but the way i set up is apparently set in stone. However, adjustments to my grip and back angle on both lifts feels muuuuch better! Yay! #nationals2015 #weightlifting #snatch #lambo #barbellsandbows #coffeesgym #DNDL #sufferbitchsuffer @bakernator105 @coffeesgymmarietta @doughnutsanddeadlifts


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