musicのインスタグラム(music) - 7月25日 00時40分

Monthly Hashtag Project: #MHPmusicmuse

The goal this month is to make portraits of people in your life who inspire you musically. Today’s featured image comes from Valerie Caro (@vcamed), a 34-year-old Puerto Rican graphic designer and freelance photographer based in New York City.

Valerie says she took this image of her friend, Kristina, at the Afro-Latino Festival in Brooklyn while watching the Puerto Rican reggae band Cultura Profética perform. “I noticed how the lights and Kristina’s profile created an aura-like effect, and just like that, all the elements came together: culture, heritage, familiarity and love. The whole experience was incredibly nostalgic,” says Valerie.

Project Rules: Please add the #MHPmusicmuse hashtag only to photos taken this month and only submit your own. Any tagged post is eligible to be featured. Please respect an artist’s wishes if they ask not to be photographed.

Photo by @vcamed


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