Aviciiのインスタグラム(avicii) - 7月28日 11時22分


Sounds like youre playing the wrong festival if youre at the same time dissing its entire audiences music taste you silly sausage! :O. (PS: Guess what: There are still good bands, still making great music that changes peoples lives, - what is really "sad" is hearing a old time musician like yourself confessing so bluntly and openly to not having an open mind to new music by dissing shit u havnt even heard , I really didnt think someone whose whole image is being witty would turn all stereotype 'bitter ol timer rocker' like that lol. I Wish you nothing but the best and hope you one day will broaden your music taste and keep developing urself as an artist and musicians.

I would actually love to preview you my album song by song and hear your honest feedback but I dare you to say the same thing afterwards // "Dude in a hat"?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




