ジーナ・ロドリゲスのインスタグラム(hereisgina) - 7月31日 03時48分

Feeling like a kid all over again! Thank you for all the bday love and wishes. The flowers and love sent by my amazing team @carloscarrerastheagent @monaloring @dguillod @cwjanethevirgin @ポール・ノートン @carissaferreri all the Warriors who love me so hard from all over the world, France, Greece, England, Italy, India, Phillipines, Brazil, Spain, the list goes on. I can feel it from my little spot in Nola. I am reading the tweets and the messages and my heart is bursting! Thank you from the bottom of my baby little heart! #lioness


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



