タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 8月3日 19時52分

@ロンダ・ラウジー is raw and uncut! The truth is like that sometimes. I salute the women of power! The women who don't wait for a man to give them anything! Who don't need validation from a man finding them attractive or wanting to sleep with them! I salute the women that are living within their purpose and kicking ass and taking names while doing so! Rather it be in the gym, on the court, or in the office I encourage the women of this world to continue to go hard in the paint! Any man that can't appreciate a strong women ain't worth calling a man no way! I love you all and I support you all with all I have!.. #StrongerU #FitnessForever #RnBMoney #SLP2 #TheGeneral #King


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