unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 8月5日 03時52分

Alison, 14, stands beneath a makeshift shelter at the Grand Séminaire Saint Marc de Bimbo site for internally displaced people in Bangui, #CentralAfricanRepublic. Previously, she was attending a #UNICEF-supported school in the camp, but in January, she was able to resume attendance at her old school, where she says nobody talks about life before the conflict. She says some of her fellow students never returned but that she is happy to see again students and teachers she knows. Although she is happy to be attending school and is performing well at advanced levels, she wonders about the future as her family cannot yet afford to move into a new home, and at night, she must still study by candlelight. #CARcrisis © UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1804/Bindra


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