ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 8月6日 22時43分

"Please capture my BEARD!" What a nice baby beard you have, Wally! "I'm growing it for the holiday season. Hopefully it will be ready in time!" In time for what, Wally? "In time for me to be an eligible SANTA BUNNY candidate!" Oh! That's great, Wally. "I will also need to grow my BELLY! I must cultivate a nice, round, BEAUTIFUL BUNNY BALLOON BELLY!" Hmm. How will you "cultivate" that, Wally? "The experts all agree ... [He looks at me as though about to reveal a spectacular mystery, then pauses. He loves to create suspense.] ... LOLLIS! Lots and lots of LOLLIS! ... LOLLIS! LOLLIS! LOLLIS! ..." (I allow him to finish his lollipop celebration, which continues for about another minute.) Wally? I know you love lollipops, but they're not for bunnies. I'm sorry! We could put fruit on popsicle sticks?! "FRUIT on POPSICLE STICKS?! I'd rather tape a BEACHBALL to my stomach with DUCKLING tape!" Wally? Please be nice. I want to help you be a great Santa Bunny candidate. (Wally looks at me with puppy-bunny eyes. He hops over and buries his head in my lap. "Wally's sorry for being a BAD BUNNY! We can do popsicle sticks. ... As long as I'm NEVER seen in PUBLIC eating FRUIT off a POPSICLE STICK!" #geethankswally


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