キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kshyun216) - 8月8日 21時26分

Kim Soo-hyeon-I talks about his nickname of "the guy who was refused a shake hands". On July 24st, the Chinese program "Stars from Korea", which is simultaneously broadcast on two different Asian TV networks, had an interview with Kim Soo-hyeon-I. The MC Han Suk-Joon asked him "Do you know? When you search for the term 'the guy who was Refused a shake hands, your name pops up on search engines. Have you seen the video?" Kim Soo-hyeon-I replied by saying "I saw it. But it was more like I missed the timing in regards to the handshake rather than being refusing it. At least, according to my interpreting of the events". Han Suk-Joon countered by saying "you seemed to be trying shake every fan's hands". "What else can I do but shake their hands?", the actor replied.


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