キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kshyun216) - 8月12日 06時56分

On the August 9th show of MBC's 'Happy Time' has revealed the behind story of Kim Soo-hyeon-I's debut.

Kim Soo-hyeon-I was born handsome and has been like that since childhood. People say he was quiet and introverted during his school days. Kim Soo-hyeon-I in his grad photos still look handsome with the prominent face features.

Kim Soo-hyeon-I's mother influenced him to start dreaming to become an actor. She suggested him to learn theatrical plays because she wanted to help him with his introverted and passive personality then.

Kim Soo-hyeon-I's young and fresh face grabbed attention when he appeared in 'TV Scoop Surprising World' before he debuted. Kim Soo-hyeon-I later debuted through 'Kimchi Cheese Smile' officially.


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