s ᴇ  ɴ ᴋ ᴄのインスタグラム(seankc) - 8月13日 00時48分

我的朋友 @composethestory@FilmAlife 的聯合相展 Compose your film's story 快要截止提交相片了,還未分享自己的菲林作品和故事的朋友要抓緊時間了,期待你在相展中和大家分享你和菲林攝影的故事,詳情請到 Composethestory 或 FilmAlife 的Facebook專頁,快點和喜歡菲林攝影的朋友分享這個活動。

The deadline of submission for the photo exhibition "Compose your film's story" organised by my friend @composethestory and @FilmAlife is approaching. Please take this chance to share your film photos and your story with us! Details please refer to the Facebook fans page of Composethestory and FilmAlife. Let's share this with your friends who enjoy analog photography!

投稿截止日期: 15/08/2015
Submission deadline: 15/8/2015


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s ᴇ  ɴ ᴋ ᴄを見た方におすすめの有名人