Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 8月13日 07時56分

This man, @antoniofranyuti is in my opinion one of the biggest heroes on the planet. He is responsible for the law that banned animals from performing in circuses. His head has a price, I'm not lying, some circus owners want to kill him. Remember, just like any other business, there are levels of quality of people. I hate circuses with animals but that doesn't mean that all of them are bad people. They are oblivious to animals feelings for sure, but thats's ignorance only, but some of them are really ugly people. Monsters. And Antonio took away their business. He worked together with the Green Political Party of Mexico to accomplish this. And all of Antonio's staff are hardcore animal activists, I don't like all of them by the way, but that's irrelevant, they are all heroes in my eyes. In this picture, Antonio and I are celebrating the fact that we took down from the trailer the last big group of Tigers rescued thanks to HIS law. He is a great great human being and Im happy to support him and to have his support and friendship. This is the Mexico that I Love...
@antoniofranyuti #behuman #saveourplanet #themexicothatilove #elmexicoqueamo #boycottcircus #boycottcircus #boycottcircus


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