目黒ケイのインスタグラム(keimeguro) - 8月14日 12時26分

I'm sorry I haven't been updating you guys with new work recently... We're moving! If you're familiar with the apartment hunting situation in NYC, you'll know why I have been long gone. Luckily we came across a huuuuge loft, I am absolutely excited to share the space and the work I'll be creating. Thank you all for following along though, I hope to showcase some new babes soon xoxo #thankyouforbeingpatient
@the_daily_momo keeps on thinking we're going to leave him so he ended up hopping into one of the boxes with that unhappy face of his? #mom?

ただいま引越し真っ只中。ニューヨークでのアパート探しは本当に大変…? でも無事に素敵なところに入居決定、よかったよかった。モモさんも残されるのが不安なのか、重宝している地球儀の横にちょこんと。#不安症 #私に似たのか


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



