中野義仁のインスタグラム(horiyoshi_3) - 8月23日 06時12分

About being blocked on Instagram by @horikitsune without any reasons on August 7th (Friday) of 2015.
A few days later I got blocked by @senju_horimatsu and @kofuusenjupublications as well.
At the same time @yokohama_tattoo_museum and @souryou were blocked and the reasons remain unknown.
As a response, I block them from my account.
Since the days he was an completely unknown, we been sincerely supporting Alex Reinke as "Horikitsune" on these 17 years of relationship.
As a result of this sudden block on Instagram we understand their change of heart toward our sincerity.
The break off relations are into consideration right now.
Not only the master-student relationship its over but our friendship as well.
More information related with them will be reported in the near future.
Thank you very much for reading.
Horiyoshi III m(__)mm(__)mm(__)m


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