ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 9月3日 03時18分

Here's the great headline/pic on my http://tim.ly/timinc Inc.com magazine feature just published today. It's an accurate account of my life's work, successes AND failures. I know there's a lot of BS "experts" on the internet & Instagram, NOBODY other than @paulscolardi is as transparent/open as I am with EVERYTHING & that's why our students are the most successful as a result. When choosing your mentor, make sure they're real, have a public and transparent track record of success over decades (not just years) & have successful students/case studies by the boatload. Ignore, laugh at & even spit on these jackasses who pretend to be rich by wearing expensive clothes, watches & show off their nauseating #ExoticCars when they're really just middlemen, trust fund babies, frauds, posers, cash poor & don't have the superior PUBLIC track record/successful disciples @paulscolardi & I have #ProudTeacher #TheAmericanDream #TheWorldDream #FinancialFreedom #BestVacations #MadWhips #LamboLife #Millionaire_Mentor #JewsInTheNews


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