キャサリンディーンのインスタグラム(catherine__deane) - 9月4日 19時20分

LOVE STORY X LIV AND RONAN “I am from Denmark and I had been away from home for 8 months to pursue my dream job in Bermuda. After about a month in Bermuda I had met Rohan and as time passed it had become more and more serious between us. Christmas came along and Christmas for me is a very special holiday with lots of traditions and it was strange not to be in Denmark this time a year with my family.

In Denmark Christmas eve is the "real" Christmas with dinner and dancing around the Christmas tree and of course presents. So after telling Rohan about all of these traditions he suggested that we had our own little Danish Christmas just the two of us on Christmas eve. We made Danish mulled wine and made our own Danish marzipan chocolate treats while listening to Danish Christmas carols and had the fireplace going. And all of the sudden it felt like home.
The fact that he was willing to embrace my traditions and make Christmas special for me made me feel loved. This was when I knew that he was the one." #cdlovestory #timeless #newlyweds #christmas #homefromhome #bermuda #denmark #instalove #instawedding #instabride


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