フィービー イングリッシュのインスタグラム(phoebeenglish) - 9月6日 20時52分

a huge huge thank you to all our team, studio sharers, friends and strangers who dropped aid items to the studio this week to take onto the amazing @calaid organisation in East London this morning. The drop off point in Dalston was pilled high with mountains of donations just 20 minutes after opening and people were filing in from every direction. It was overwhelming to see how many people care and have stepped in to help. To support #calaid in the future there will be other donation days every two weeks, one on September 20th and another on October 4th at this address : THE HIVE, 2ND FLOOR, 260-263 KINGSLAND ROAD, E8 4DG please help support this cause x #calaid #refugeecrisis #actnow


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




フィービー イングリッシュを見た方におすすめの有名人