呉建豪のインスタグラム(vannesswu) - 9月7日 18時53分

Amongst all the problems that I have in my life, it's nothing compared to the people in Syria right now. Did I have to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive 2 hrs to the airport only to find out my flight was booked wrong which then I had to drive another 2 hrs to a different province to catch an earlier flight? Yes. Was I frustrated, irritated? Yes. But PEOPLE are fleeing for their lives. #whatareyougoingtodo? #takethenegativeanddosomethingpositve #findawaytohelp #Syria #nosmallactofkindnessiseverwasted #prayforSyria My apologies, I was mislead by what I read, these pictures were part of the article online that I saw about Syria. It's my understanding now that this happened in 1991 in Albania. And sadly, today after 14yrs it's still happening. #keeppraying #keephelping


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