ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月8日 06時22分

Photo by @stephsinclairpix. Unika Vajracharya leaves is carried from her home to give blessings on an auspicious day. In Nepal, prepubescent Newari #girls known as #kumaris are worshipped as deities, endowed with foreknowledge, able to cure the sick, fulfill wishes and bestow blessings for protection and prosperity. They are the link between Earth and the realm of the divine and, above all, are believed to generate in their devotees maitri bhavana—a spirit of loving-kindness toward all. Today there are just 10 kumaris in #Nepal, nine of them in the #Kathmandu Valley. They’re still selected only from families attached to certain bahals, or traditional courtyard communities, and all their ancestors must have come from a high caste.
This series is currently on exhibition through Sept. 18th at l'Eglise des Dominicains, as part of the Visa pour l'Image international festival of photojournalism in Perpignan, France. For more information on kumaris, please see our story in the June 2015 issue of @ナショナルジオグラフィック . #visa2015 @visapourlimage


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