タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月8日 19時05分

#MaturePeopleOnly plz - I've been though some painful shit in my life.... Friends, family, relationships they all hurt and could of shut me down from ever liking or loving ever again..... But I've learned that GODS LOVE wants to travel through your heart so that what's deep within you can be experienced - in the spirit of Christ - live and learn... Experience IS your highest truth..... Never forget... Ever... But learn to whole heartedly forgive... And in that process allow Gods love to travel THROUGH you so that others can seek, find and embrace all that you have to give that's there...... I've been single for almost a year now.... I'm moving and doing my thizzle but I don't like it, nah... Its #GrownManSeason my hearts wants to seek and find what's mine..... She's out there.... And I can't wait to meet you... I'm going to know its you from "Hello"... (( you don't wanna be another woman or man who allows your wife or husband to PASS YOU BY today... Because of what happened to you in the past.... I thank ALL of my ex's cause I've LEARNED LOVE Through the good, bad, amazing and dysfunction - love has a LOT of colors..... It's literally impossible to LOVE and have so much HATE in your heart....... Ladies...... And MEN of God stay strong..... And allow Gods love to pass THROUGH YOU.....


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