ベン・ヒギンズのインスタグラム(higgins.ben) - 9月9日 06時18分

My mom always was big into having sayings, quotes, or verses to get you through different life situations. She used to post a new quote every morning (before Twitter or Facebook) on my bathroom mirror so I could read it while getting ready. That tradition has stuck with me and for the next part of my story I have found my quote. Wanted to share it so my we can share in this experience together. The thought below comes from @donmilleris book Scary Close. "I am willing to sound dumb.
I am willing to be wrong.
I am willing to be passionate about something that isn't perceived as cool.
I am willing to express a theory.
I am willing to admit I'm afraid.
I'm willing to have a knee-jerk reaction, even a wrong one.
I'm willing to apologize.
I'm perfectly willing to be perfectly human."

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