アルトゥルのインスタグラム(altruapparel) - 9月16日 00時02分

// Send Help - We're in Dire Straits
Around 700,000 acres have burned this year in California, compared with about 500,000 in a typical year, and the fire season is nowhere near over.
Right now, 15,000 people are deployed fighting wildfires across our state. But what has officials on edge is less about the total acreage than about how readily new fires start, and how quickly — and unpredictably — they grow.
Vegetation in California, from the mesquite scrub in the desert to the tall pines in the Sierra Nevada, is as dry as kindling after a yearslong drought, the worst in our state’s recorded history. So fire catches more easily, spreads faster, and carries farther on the wind.
Due to extreme drought and heat, California's major reservoirs hold less than half as much water as they typically would at this time of year. Many wells have run dry and underground aquifers are so depleted that in some places, the ground has been sinking as much as two inches per month. ???


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