ミッチェル・マネーのインスタグラム(michellemoney) - 9月17日 14時32分

Packing up the last 7 years of my life. Every single box I pack up has so much history. From @mmandlshow to the bachelor, bachelor pad, bachelor in paradise. Good Things Utah. Image Studios. Nordstrom fashion place. Brielle was 3 years old when we moved in. I honestly feel like a different person. But isn't that what life is about? We evolve and grow and expand. I'm ready for the next chapter but sad to say goodbye to the last. Melrose has been good to me. From start to finish. Here we come Draper! This red wine loving single mom of one is on her way! And we will most definitely cause a ruckus. It's kind of just what we do. #Michelle&Brielle2.0

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