トレーシー・エリス・ロスのインスタグラム(traceeellisross) - 9月19日 06時28分

“I bet you, there is something you love about your face or about your body. Get a journal and write what it is and what you love about it. Explain and be specific and expressive. Let in all the good feelings about it. And then repeat the exercise with one of the things you don’t like about your body. There is no need to write all the reasons why you don’t like it ... I am sure you have that list in your head. Instead I want you to be gentle and kind in how you are with it and let it talk to you and tell you the story it has to tell you. I bet you whatever part of your body it is that you’re being so hard on, it will have some story to tell you and perhaps it will become an access point for you to find love in yourself.” In the newest issue of @darling, I talk about ways we as women can know and find power in our true, genuine beauty!  Grab it on newsstands now or at darlingmagazine.org! #blackish #DarlingIssue13 #SelfLove


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