Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 9月26日 00時47分

The materials John Isaiah Pepion (@johnisaiahpepion) uses to create his ledger art — narrative drawing on paper — are the same ones his ancestors used 100 years ago. Combing through antique stores and eBay listings, John, who’s a member of the Blackfeet Nation, collects old ledgers, or accounting books — and sometimes Western Union telegraphs and maps — to create contemporary versions of work made by Plains Indians who were held prisoner in St. Augustine, Florida, in the 1870s. Their artwork, drawn on ledgers with ink, watercolors and pencils and sold to tourists, detailed their lives as warriors. “To me, ledger art is cultural preservation,” says John. “A lot of my pieces are from stories, and a lot of the colors and designs are [original].” While John takes inspiration from the stories painted on buffalo hides that now hang in museums, he also illustrates current issues facing Native Americans, like oil pipelines crossing through reservations and access to education. “I am inspired by ceremonies and stories, history and personal experience,” he says. “Our ceremonies still go on, our language is still spoken and our culture is alive and well. That is what I want to show, how proud I am and that we are still here.”
Photo by @johnisaiahpepion


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