Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 9月29日 05時16分

So my friend @franyutti23 rescued this beautiful Pit Bull girl from the highway. She was hurt, skinny and her scars show that she was used for fighting. After a month at the Vet, she is now with us. She is Lovely and as we speak is playing with the Canine Squadron at Stage 2. Thanks to @luismtay for bringing us together...
Mi amigo @franyutti23 rescató a esta nena de Pit Bull en la carretera. Tras curar sus heridas, vacunarla, desparasitarla y al concluir su cuarentena, nos la trajo y en este momento está jugando con la unidad Canina de Stage 2. Gracias a JC y a @luismtay por traernos a esta Reina.
#themexicothatilove #elmexicoqueamo #behuman #blackjaguarwhitetiger #saveourplanet #karmisforever #labaiforever


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