アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 10月1日 20時16分

We wear makeup for different reasons. Sometimes to cover scars, to enhance beauty, to cover up the "ugly", and even to disguise what is happening on the inside. Yesterday I wasn't feeling to good about myself for a very silly reason, and even after getting all made up I still wasn't feeling it. Even after all the compliments and comments, I still wasn't feeling ME. It wasn't until I reminded myself who I am and prayed about it that I found a smile again. We are in charge of how we feel about ourselves and no one else. If you have decided to love yourself and walk with confidence then no one can give or take that away from you unless you let them. I decided that I was gonna stop Trippin over petty things and move on. So I did. And I ended up having a kick ass interview, and a pretty awesome day. I share this to say, makeup can only cover so much. What are you doing to make sure what is inside feels as beautiful? I hope you're taking the time to find out and grow. I know I am ☺️ you're all pretty dope to me, even if you don't think so! #notesfrommyjournal


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