ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 10月2日 04時20分

Li Rui looked on as nurses bathed her baby son at Red Wall Maternity Care Center, where Rui spent a month after she gave birth. During her visit, a personal nanny taught her breast-feeding techniques. A chef prepared six meals a day. And a moxibustion practitioner wafted smoking sticks of mugwort over her body, part of the Chinese therapy sessions to help prevent disease. This kind of care — inspired by a Chinese confinement custom known as “sitting the month,” when new mothers must stay indoors to restore their energy — is becoming the gold standard in #postpartum recovery. For her visit, Rui paid $27,000. “Without this type of specialized care, I would never have been able to recuperate.” @adamjdean photographed Li Rui and her baby in Beijing.


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