ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 10月2日 23時49分

Ann Temkin, Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture: “This group of sculptures was created in the early 1930s at Picasso’s newly purchased chateau in the village of Boisgeloup, 45 miles northwest of Paris. At age 50, he finally had enough space to set up his own sculpture studio—in the chateau’s stables. There he worked mainly in plaster, inventing highly erotic female figures inspired by his young lover Marie-Therese Walter. These were his first truly monumental figures in the round.” See our profile for more behind-the-scenes photos of the preparations for “Picasso Sculpture.” [Installation in progress for “Picasso Sculpture” exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Photograph by Martin Seck] #HowDoYouSee

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