バチェラーズ・ジャム ジャムと言っても煮詰めるジャムではなく、果実酒のこと。 つくりかたはいたってシンプル。 必要なものは、密封ビンと強い蒸留酒と少しの氷砂糖。 あとはフルーツを次々と漬け込んで寝かせておくだけ。 数ヶ月でできますが、1年ものは深いコクが。 庭に実る季節の果物を漬けたり、旅行先で手に入れた果物を漬けたりなど、自分の活動範囲で味が変わっていくのがおもしろいところ。 たまに瓶の中を覗いて「あ、あれはあの時のアレだな」なんて、思い返すのも楽しい。 そして、バチェラーズ・ジャムを飲みながら、 来年の自分はどんな味になっているのだろうと想像して飲むのもいい。 「バチェラーズ・ジャム」の名前の由来は「独身貴族のジャム」。この響きもいい。 (MUJI BOOKS担当 清水) つくりかた例 1.ビンを煮沸消毒し、完全に乾燥させる 2.洗った果物の30~50%の氷砂糖を加え、ウオッカをひたひたくらいに注ぐ (甘さのお好みで氷砂糖の量を調整してください) 3.蓋を閉め、冷暗所で保存する -------------- Bachelor's Jam Yes it's called jam, but not the kind you boil down. It's actually fruit liquor. It's very simple to make. You'll need a sealable jar, some strong liquor, and a bit of crystal sugar. After that, you simply pack in fruit, let it soak and put it away for awhile. It will be ready in a few months, but if you can let it sit for a year, you'll get a nice, deep and rich flavor. You can soak in ripened seasonal fruits at the bottom, or add fruits that you've picked on one of your journeys, making it a fun way to let the flavor reflect the scope of your activities. It can be fun to look down into the jar and remember, "oh yeah, that's from that time that I..." That's a good way to savor memories. And while drinking your Bachelor's Jam, it can also be nice to imagine what next year's batch will taste like. The origin of the name "Bachelor's Jam" comes from "aristocratic bachelor's jam." That has a nice ring to it. A sample recipe 1. Sterilize the jar by boiling, and allow to completely dry. 2. Add washed fruit, and crystal sugar amounting to 30-50% of the amount of fruit. And then pour in a steady stream of vodka. (Adjust the amount of crystal sugar to taste) 3. Seal the lid, and store in a cool and dark location. #muji #無印良品

muji_globalさん(@muji_global)が投稿した動画 -

無印良品のインスタグラム(muji_global) - 10月6日 17時42分


Bachelor's Jam
Yes it's called jam, but not the kind you boil down. It's actually fruit liquor.
It's very simple to make.
You'll need a sealable jar, some strong liquor, and a bit of crystal sugar.
After that, you simply pack in fruit, let it soak and put it away for awhile.
It will be ready in a few months, but if you can let it sit for a year, you'll get a nice, deep and rich flavor.
You can soak in ripened seasonal fruits at the bottom, or add fruits that you've picked on one of your journeys, making it a fun way to let the flavor reflect the scope of your activities.

It can be fun to look down into the jar and remember, "oh yeah, that's from that time that I..." That's a good way to savor memories.
And while drinking your Bachelor's Jam, it can also be nice to imagine what next year's batch will taste like.
The origin of the name "Bachelor's Jam" comes from "aristocratic bachelor's jam." That has a nice ring to it.

A sample recipe
1. Sterilize the jar by boiling, and allow to completely dry.
2. Add washed fruit, and crystal sugar amounting to 30-50% of the amount of fruit. And then pour in a steady stream of vodka.
(Adjust the amount of crystal sugar to taste)
3. Seal the lid, and store in a cool and dark location.
#muji #無印良品


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