Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月11日 21時41分

My kids are growing and they are just 18 months old (ILanga is only one year old). I remember when I first opened my account to the public on August of 2014, how certain pseudo-experts questioned me for feeding them MOSTLY Chicken necks. Well, they were wrong as you are able to see. We also feed them beef and 2 other types of meat, but nothing like CHICKEN NECK POWER. And I have lots of friends with cattle ranches that can give me for free meat, yet I decided to pay for the Chicken Necks. Now you know why...
Pic by my chief biologist @joseeguibar
Se acuerdan en un principio como ciertas personas me criticaban por alimentar mayormente con pescuezos de Pollo a mis bebes? Pues creo, digo, pues estaban equivocados como pueden ver. Nada como la gente que ve un documental sobre Leones y se pone a dar recomendaciones :) Vean que hermosos están #lukeandhan e #ilangabjwt
#savelions #saveourplanet #BEHUMAN #NOTPETS #NOSONMASCOTAS #blackjaguarwhitetiger #rescuedlions #chickenneckpower
Foto por mi biólogo en jefe @joseeguibar


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Black Jaguar-White Tiger を見た方におすすめの有名人