ライアン・ガスマンのインスタグラム(ryanaguzman) - 10月22日 00時16分

Story time:

@ステファニー・スコット , @ , @kiyoko11 , and I went to hang out with some kids yesterday at the Hasbro Childrens Hospital. I didn't really know what to expect. We got there early and started catching up and as we were walking towards our destination, I started to see people working to enrich each child's life. It became clear to at that moment. I wasnt there for any other reason than to try and have fun (patch adams style) with each kid I met. Taking them out of their own heads and living in a very fun moment, even if just for a little. So thats what we did.
We played cards, drew, sang, danced, and talked about different interests (with the occasional "making a fool out myself for a laugh"). A smile became the new currency and WE WERE RICH.
I entered a room full of strangers and became friends with each new beautiful soul I met.
Thank you to everyone I met that day! You have forever made me a better person.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



